Other than when I was in
My class frustrates me. Daily I am reminded of the futility of life without Christ. Here we are learning about “Transforming Communities,” and I am learning. I knew nothing going into this semester about the government policies and basically what the fundamental problems are. But I know, I know, that there is no lasting effect of transforming a community without the gospel! It really makes my heart break. I think that if I want to go into some sort of charity work in long run, I would have to work for a Christian organization. I could not have someone tell me that I can’t share God’s love.
Also this semester is making my heart break about families that are not centered on the foundation of God’s love. I’ve thought about because of conversations I’ve had with my roommates and also seeing the root of many problems in communities starting in the family. This has made me appreciate of my family upbringing and the biblical foundations I know for marriage. Above all else, even if I don’t figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life as far as a career, I am learning about the importance of being wife and a mother (don’t worry I’m not about to get married or something, just good to store these lessons up). (I could write a whole entry on the conversations I’ve had with people about marriage. It has a good exercise for me to explain what I know as biblical truths without saying “Cause the bible says so. . .” )
I knew I would be learning a lot this semester, but I didn’t think it would be so much, so soon.