Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The beginings of my China adventures

Getting There

Started at 4:30am Sunday May 10, after three hours of sleep, Dane drove me to the airport. Flew to JFK and had to sit around there eight hours until my flight to China (I’ll spare you the details of what I did for eight hours, but it wasn’t that exciting). Flight was roughly 14 hours….sooo long. IA few rows in front of me some lady had some sort of medical emergency. They had to clear out a row and lay her down on it and hook her up to some oxygen. I don’t really know what happened because all the doctors (who reported after the flight attendant made an announcement) were speaking in Chinese. Other than that incident it was a pretty uneventful flight. I slept most of it. But today my neck hurts sooo bad to try and turn it to the left, I’m blaming it on sleeping on the plane. An interesting thing is that my flight went  over the polar ice cap and I never saw the sun set on Sunday. The flight attendants made me close my window cover so I couldn’t look out the whole way. 

Arriving There

My flight got in about 6pm. Luckily another Clemson student’s flight got in at relatively the same time and we met up and got a taxi to the hotel. The taxi ride was pretty sweet because  it was night time and the whole city of Beijing was lit up. And it is one bigg city. Our hotel is sooo fancy. I’ve stayed at some pretty nice places, but I think this may be the nicest (Will post some pictures later). I met a few of the other students, but I ended up sharing a room with my professor. That wasn’t bad except that she snores and I woke up several times in  the night to her snoring. P.S. China is 12 hrs ahead of EST.

next post:
I am a hero.


  1. Hurray!!! You finally updated, and you'll have to keep it going (trust me, I know it can get a bit annoying at times, but I want to hear about your adventures!). 14 hour plane rides are the worst, that's why I'm breaking mine up with Fiji and Hawaii:) And I'm 14 hours ahead of EST at the moment!

  2. Was nice hearing from you yesterday! Looking forward to seeing you update!=)

